Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Free Ticket To...

A second cup of coffee, a walk to the water, a sit in my swing, my ears were treated to...
chickadees calling, "dee, dee, dee" to their mates,
gaggles of geese honking as they gather in the bay to rest from their long flight home,
cardinals singing their familiar songs as they flit from tree to tree
pileated, downy, and hairy woodpeckers hammering into the tall pines,
run off water washing over moss covered rocks and dancing to the river...
Nature's Symphony!


  1. Are these the sounds of spring in your area? How fantastic you make the time to enjoy them. It sounds so wonderful I wish I was there.

  2. I felt like I was there amongst, Nature's Symphony. Wonderful especially as we are entering into winter.

  3. I love your attention to the details of the birds. Great imagery.

  4. Wonderful slice to start my day. The sounds of nature. Would love to be sitting with you in your swing drinking coffee. Oh wait, I was there.

  5. I love those sounds. Thank you for sharing - I could 'see' and hear it. Beautiful poem

  6. Just a beautiful slice. I heard a call from some songbird just the other morning and was surprised to discover what that simple sound could do for my mood.

  7. The sound of cardinals is my favorite. It makes me smile and search for them in the trees. This last image was really beautiful, "run off water washing over moss covered rocks and dancing to the river." I liked the word choice of dancing.

  8. I can feel your birthing of spring...
    thanks Wanda :)

  9. My seven year old came in the other day and perfectly imitated a bird she had heard outside. If only we all listened so closely to the sounds of nature. What a great start to your day!

  10. Thank you for the ticket to the Nature's Symphony. It was an enjoyable concert.

  11. What a great rendition. I'm glad you have season tickets to such a marvelous theatre.
