Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Am Awake

Tick...tock...tick...tock goes the mantel clock from its perch on the piano. It is 3:12 and I am writing because I cannot go back to sleep. I have been trying since 1:45. This happens to me periodically. There seems to be no pattern, no predictability. Sometimes I just wake up and cannot go back to sleep.
Tonight a dream woke me up. I think I have already had that dream and it left me uneasy. Remembering the dream lead me to thinking about school which lead to reminding myself not to forget to stop at the store to buy carnations for a science experiment. That lead me to think about our upcoming professional development day on Friday and how was I going to recreate our math tests on my computer so they look professional. Can I scan and edit them in PDF? 
Once my mind starts up there seems to be no stopping it. I flit from one subject to another all the while telling myself I am trying to go back to sleep. I I have a migraine on the way? There was an aura today on the playground but no pain. I think there have been other sleepless nights associated with migraines. Now I worry, there is are no migraine meds in the cupboard. I ran out and when I looked in the grocery store, there were none. That is okay...I will stop and get some when I buy the carnations...and oh yes...I need food coloring too.
Tick...tock...tick...tock goes the mantel clock.


  1. That's why I am posting at 3:49....whcih my body says is 2:49.....APPR cards...grad school powerpoint...and oh knee hurts because I slipped on some water in the hallway yesterday...sigh...tick...tock....glad I am not alone in this!

  2. Heh. I hear this! My brain turns on and won't turn back off....

    Today it was the dogs that woke me.. and then it was all over. Darned animals!

  3. Wanda, you have captured your sleeplessness clearly in this piece. We are with you in wakefulness. Oh the pain of a switched on brain at an inappropriate time!

  4. As. An insomniac, this sounds very familiar to me. You have to go with the flow, and I get a lot done in those wee hours.

  5. I'm in the same boat with you! For no reason my eyes pop open, my minds starts going in 15 different directions, I start tossing and turning. Time to get up so I won't disturb hubby. Hope tonight will be a restful night for you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh I hate nights like that! I hope you get more sleep tonight. I think you and I might have taken a class together in Orono. Your face and your name are really familiar to me. This is a well written piece, your phrasing and punctuation perfectly capture the distress in the moment.
