Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What a Saturday!

There we were, with old shoes on, slogging through the puddles and mud. We pulled and pushed the carts to the driest terrain we could find. We groaned as we strained to find muscles we put away last fall. We shaded our eyes as we looked to the sky for that familiar little white sphere. We laughed with John who asked if he could join us. We breathed in the fresh air and marveled at the warmth of the sunshine on our faces. Thwack, thud, plop, thunk, swoosh, clunk, clunk, clunk were the sounds we injected into nature’s beautiful pre-spring day. Oh…twas only March 17th…St. Paddy’s Day and there we were playing our first round of golf!


  1. Fun little description! Love the sounds of your first day out - they will only improve with time. I like the line: "We groaned as we strained to find muscles we put away last fall." Happy golfing!

  2. You had my mind searching and thinking what is this all about? Love the descriptions and all the sounds. Hope it was a good score for you and many more future rounds.

  3. Like Elsie, I found myself trying to guess what the heck you were up to! Glad you made the most of a beautiful day.

  4. I couldn't figure out what you were doing! I loved your line..."We groaned as we strained to find muscles we put away last fall." I know exactly how that feels!


  5. You kept me wondering. I am so glad that you had a first fun golf day after the teacher meetings and questions to administrators slices last week.

  6. I never thought this was golf! What a surprise. Cool! Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)
