Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reading Posts

Yesterday I  told you I am a creature of habit and yet I am going to dispel that thought today or am I? This is my third year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. Each year, I have written more, read more, and commented more. Each year the number of participants has grown. I find I can no longer read all of the posts daily so I have to pick and choose what to read. I want to be loyal to my "old favorites" but I also want to be welcoming to those of you who are joining our blog community for the first time. How to choose? Well, without realizing what I was doing, I fell into a pattern...sometimes starting at the top and working my way down until I had no more steam. Other times starting at the bottom and working my way up. Yesterday in order to be fair, I started in the middle (Kevin) and worked my way one up, one down, another up, another down. Do you have a system? Do you have a favorite writer you gravitate to first? Do the comments with the link inspire you to open it up? Does one's title speak to you, begging you to come in for a visit? The reading of other posts gives me inspiration for my own. It really does not matter in what direction I read, just that I read...learning from others as I go along.


  1. These are some great questions you the beginning of the challenge I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the people in the challenge. I definitely gravitate first to the names I recognize, the people that leave me comments and the ones that I've known from the challenge last year. Then, I do try to leave comments on ones with titles that get my attention or new names. :)

  2. I've gone through the same phases! I haven't started from the middle yet. Another strategy I have is to see who posts on twitter and I go to those. It is overwhelming, but learning so much and just enjoying being part of the community!

  3. I like the way you have a method for reading and commenting. In the morning I work my way down, grabbing my year round slicers first. In the evening I try to work my way up because I'm afraid that they might not get a comment if most people are working down the list. If there are already a lot of comments, I might just move to find one who doesn't have as many. I do love reading the slices and seeing the creativity of some makes me push myself just a bit more. What a group this is!

  4. No system, sigh! Although, like Elsie, I tend to go for the year round slicers first, and then it's here and there when I can get a minute. You seem much more organized, Wanda!

  5. I can tell by the number of comments that most people seem to start at the top. I try to go to the names I recognize or to the posts that catch my interest. Sometimes I start at the bottom to try to make sure that everybody gets a comment. I think, therefore, that it is s good thing that Wanda is there for the ones in the middle. I appreciate you who have been doing this for a long time. You most assuredly have finesse at slicing and at commenting.

  6. This is your third challenge? Impressive. I can't imagine even trying to keep up with everyone. I run into the same dilemma. I have several friends who blog and I don't want to miss their posts, but I also want to read new posts and discover new blogs. The tricky part is that there are only so many hours in the day (and we lost one hour this weekend). Here's what I've been doing to be fair. I read the blogs of my friends, then go to Twitter and read the blogs I find in the #slice2012 feed, then I go back to Two Writing Teachers to find the blog that linked right before mine and right after mine. I try to be sure I've stopped by at least 3 new blogs each day. I have no idea how many comments I make each day, but I'm guessing in the range of 10-15. That isn't even close to the number of participants posting. Hmmmm......

  7. No method here except I think I am trying to find new names so I can spread my comments out but it is only day 11 and it is pretty exciting to see how strong the posts continue to be.

  8. I look for people who no one commented on. It is my first slice, so everyone is new to me. I appreciate all the comments on my writing, so I try to comment on as many as I can. I try and comment on the last one posted before I go to bed.
