Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Monday, March 26, 2012

She Is...

She is loving and loyal
She is protective and dependable
She is curious and intelligent
She is energetic and sleepy
She is athletic and goofy
She loves to cuddle
She shares herself equally
She enhances our lives
She is Holly.


  1. I don't have to know her to add one more line to the poem. Just by looking at her face I can say:

    She is a sweetheart.

  2. You make me miss having a faithful four legged friend. I ditto Stacey's final line. Too cute!

  3. Ahhh, but where is the lover of water line??? You must add water somewhere, don't you think! Such a classic picture. Love it!

  4. That face! That smile! Love that doggie!!

  5. Aren't pets just to special? Love Holly's pic and all that her Mom had to say about her.

  6. such a sweet pup...and beautiful too...they are such good friends !

  7. She is beautiful. You threw me for a loop at first, because I thought your kids were out of the house.

  8. Wow, she is so beautiful! You are lucky to have her!
