Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Writing Place

I am prone to habitual behaviors. I get stuck on certain foods to eat, a specific sport or exercise, and yes even favorite writing habits.
Right now, in the early morning hours, I am sitting in the kitchen rocking chair, laptop resting on my legs. I look out the big bow window to the northeastern dawn quietly spreading its light south. My rocking chair glides to and fro keeping rhythm with my beating fingers...tap, tap, tap. This is my favorite place to write in the morning. I find inspiration in the sunrise, the movement of the river, and the gnarly wind beaten trees that loom over the water. When warm enough, I open a window to get sound inspiration. This morning a lonely goose calls out across the water in search of company. A titmouse chirps while hopping between feeder and suet. Gray squirrels leave their high nests and and scratch their way down tree trunks in search of breakfast.
 The clouds are the color of, lemon, raspberry. Faint blue sky peaks through giving promise to another beautiful winter day. Yes winter is still here though signs of its presence are scarce. The snow is gone, the ice is out, spring bulbs have poked through the no longer frozen ground. Inspiration abounds from my favorite perch...


  1. We are in your kitchen again. I understand how this place is inspirational. I am happy that you have a place of your own with such an inspirational view and sounds.

  2. "The clouds are the color of, lemon, raspberry"

    Perfect description!

  3. My favorite writing place is not gorgeous as yours, plus never any snow! I am just trying to cultivate my writing habit and am happy to be able to just sit and do. Thanks for taking me to your favorite space this morning.

    1. I am not sure everyone would see it as gorgeous, especially this time of year when grays dominate the color scheme. But if you love nature...

  4. No wonder that's your favorite sounds exactly like a place I'd imagine to be the perfect writing spot - peaceful, a view do nature right there, and comfortable. What more can a writer ask for?

  5. I wish I had one favorite spot to write. Usually I'm on my living room couch but that's just practical. I wonder if it would make a difference? What do you think? Do you write in other places?

    1. Yes, at night I write on the living room sofa. I like being in the same room as my husband at the end of the day. I write even if he is watching TV. I listen and write at the same time. It is very different from the morning kitchen routine but it works too.

  6. I treat my laptop like a PC, I rarely move it off the desk. I'm going to try to find a new spot.

  7. Your descriptions were so vivid...they painted a picture in my mind. I love how you included the senses into your writing. It makes it real and I felt like I was there. I, too, am envious of your special writing place! ;)


  8. I can picture you in your writing space - I write all over the place, just depends on the day of the week.

  9. I have two favorite places, too. My most favorite place is on my bed, but when my husband is home, I like to write at the kitchen/dining room table-until he starts to snore. Your description was beautiful, as alway.

  10. I meant to get here way earlier...busy day! Could just picture you at home writing. Nice description! I usually write sitting at the kitchen table looking out the slider to my left in the kitchen and the prow in the living room to the right - unless my husband is awake and whistling. I love his whistling, but I can't write when he does that. At those times I have to hole up in the bedroom (as I am now) sitting on the bed with my lap top on my bony knees and my feet not touching the floor.
