Slice of Life

Slice of Life
Join the slicing for the month of March

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Not Everyone Can Be a Leader

What are the attributes of a leader? What are those qualities one must have in order to get people to get on board with your beliefs. I think leaders are a rare breed. There are many bosses and experts but I don't see them all as leaders. Here are some of my thoughts about leaders...
To me...a leader is a rock to command attention, hold that attention, and get people to stay for an encore.
To me...a leader is always body and in mind.
To me...a leader is smart about what they know and even smarter by acknowledging what they don't know.
To me...a leader charts the course, sets sail, and watches the weather to know if a change of course is needed.
To me...a leader has no favorites relying instead on the positive attributes of many.
To me... a leader is always prepared.
What do you see in a leader?


  1. Very timely slice for me - I have been talking with my boss about my position and leadership. I love the one about no favorites.
    For me, it is about being able to pause, to listen and then allow time to think before responding - and boy is that a tough job!

    1. Yes I also think being a good leader means knowing when to get out of the way.


  2. That's a great question! In my flu-induced state, I can think of one addition:
    A leader is someone who can listen - really listen, to all the voices in the room.

  3. I like your qualities of a leader. The most powerful one is the leader acknowledges they don't know everything. A leader understands.

  4. I agree with all the other comments so far. I was also thinking listening was important and when someone admits to not knowing something it makes them honest. Honesty is essential from a leader in order to build trust.

  5. I so agree with your entire list. I had a class last semester that asked that very question. I wish I'd had your list then!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  6. Willing to look for answers they don't know.

    1. This is exactly what I was thinking and not being afraid to say "I don't know."

      I think too, "How do we encourage people to take a risk and be a leader?" I think by creating a safe learning community is key.

      Very thought provoking post. - Thanks!
